Desde 1999, Kathryn Susana Escribano imparte clases de inglés a niños de Infantil en el colegio Narciso Alonso Cortés de Valladolid, colegio adscrito al convenio British Council/MEC.
Al tener la suerte de no usar libro de texto, se ha dedicado a inventar un sinfín de cuentos en inglés con el objetivo no solo de enseñar su lengua materna sino de trasmitir valores y hacer que el aprendizaje del idioma sea una experiencia placentera. Tiene publicados tres cuentos infantiles con la editorial y una veintena de libros de recursos para profesores con Cambridge University Press. Tiene, además, un canal de YouTube (Kathryn Susana Escribano) y un blog (Kath’s Corner) para que sus alumnos puedan repasar desde casa y para que las familias conozcan su labor.
ver más..
Etiquetas: english
young learners
El proyecto bilingüe del IES Emilio Ferrari siempre se ha distinguido por su innovación metodológica. Utiliza el trabajo por proyectos, fomenta la autonomía del alumnado, haciéndoles protagonistas y responsables del mismo. Proponen situaciones que están fundamentadas en la vida real y relacionadas con sus intereses y habilidades. Todos estos proyectos se exportan en formato digital en su blog de referencia liderado por Cristina Bienes.
En este proyecto explican los elementos que influyen en el ritmo cardiaco completando el trabajo con la exposición oral a sus compañeros y, afortunadamente, a todos nosotros. Gracias por compartirlo. ¡Enhorabuena!
Etiquetas: | inglés pbl proyectos english |
Last thursday, we finished the CFIE Valladolid course for English Language teachers 'Project Based Learning in your teaching methodology' to foster the use of projects as a classroom tool among ESL teachers. As a result of it, teachers received a brief theoretical basis and had the chance to get to know international projects. Furthermore, they created their own projects and explained them in class. Moreover, I had the chance to see the impact of teacher training in one of the schools as one of the projects was applied directly with students. You can see it all in the course blog.
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Etiquetas: | pbl. english |
Updating and refreshing their English level has been the goal of 25 ESL teachers who have been taking part in this year edition of this succesful CFIE Valladolid English course. It is based on a communicative approach which is the one these teachers use with their students too. Classes are mainly práctical conducted by a great native teacher, Lisa Kinsella, who offered them a wide variety of topics which led them to debates and role plays.
We just take the chance to thank the interest, participation and great attitude throughout the course. It has been a pleasure to work with you all. Do not miss the video if you wish to know more about this course.
Etiquetas: | english |
The CFIE Valladolid offers a course that was a great success last year and we want other English Language teachers to have the chance of learning how to create English blogs for their direct use in class.
The teaching methodology of English should seize the opportunities offered by ICT to provide teachers with tools to revitalize the classroom and motivate students to achieve learning and promote their active participation in the learning process. The use of classroom blogs serves as a framework to host videos, audios, texts that can be used inside and outside the classroom creating endless possibilities for the teaching and learning of another language.
The methodology will be mainly practical counting on the active participation of the teachers attending the course. Furthermore, teachers will be provided with a wide knowledge of web 2.0 tools to create dynamic educative English resources that will promote the development of the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Classes will be held on the 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th of november and the 2nd of December from 17:30 to 20:00 in CFIE Valladolid.
You can sign in for the course in the CFIE Valladolid web page until the 29th of october. Don't miss the chance of getting the best out of your teaching skills!
Etiquetas: | blogs english ingles |