The 2nd of may, I had the great pleasure of speaking to 1st Bachillerato students in IES Pinar de la Rubia about European Citizenship. 2013 has been declared by the Council of Europe the year of promotion of the rights that every EU citizen has. In a time when we may associate Europe with impositions and economic problems, it is essential to focus on the advantages and great advances that being in the EU has supposed to all the countries involved. This conference is part of the school celebration of Europe Day and I spoke to them in English with students showing a great oral level.
The students in IES Pinar de la Rubia are taking part in the EUROESCOLA european project and showed a great interest in their rights and in the future of the European Union. After my speech they questioned me about many different topics: What are the conditions for a country to enter the EU? Why isn't Turkey in the EU? Why don't we have a common european educative system? Would it be better for Spain to leave the EU and the Euro? All of these questions were answered.
It was a great satisfaction to get to know students with such a high interest in the present and future of the EU. I would like to thank them for their warm treatment, Jose Ramón Uldemolins, for his generous invitation and to the headmaster, Joaquín Rivero, for all his help. This is the blog I used for my speech and this was the introductory trailer for the conference.